Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Autism from Theories to learning

Mental imbalance from Theories to learning Since it previously recognized as a particular issue by Leo Kanner (1943), mental imbalance examines proceeded so as to clarify its causes. Numerous speculations and clinical examinations advanced. In any case, none of them is by all accounts definitive. In spite of the fact that it was reciprocally considered as a feature of schizophrenia, as of late it is characterized as a particular issue that has its own attributes. The field of the board is as yet testing. In this paper, I will talk about various hypotheses that clarify chemical imbalance. At that point, I will sum up various learning approaches that are utilized for medically introverted youngsters dependent on the various speculations and thoughts. Presentation: What is mental imbalance? Mental imbalance is a piece of the medically introverted range issue. The name itself is started from the Greek word automobiles which implies self.1 Autism is a complex formative inability that commonly shows up during the initial three years of life and is the aftereffect of a neurological issue that influences the ordinary working of the cerebrum, affecting improvement in the zones of social cooperation and relational abilities (ASA).2 There are five medically introverted range issue named as unavoidable formative issue (DSM IV).3 Reasons for mental imbalance: There is no known single reason for chemical imbalance. Numerous hypotheses developed to clarify the potential causes. There are a wide range of subjective and mental musings depict the chemical imbalance side effects. Then again, new convictions created which clarify the mental imbalance side effects as aftereffects of hereditary or ecological influences.4 Controversial thoughts like the impact of diet and immunizations on the advancement of chemical imbalance side effects perceived as hotly debated issues for the last not many years.5 Mental imbalance indications: Mental imbalance, according to the definition, comprises for the most part of three primary straight out side effects which incorporate conduct, correspondence and social aspects.6 The seriousness of the side effects changes from one kid to other.7 Treatment techniques: Treatment approaches and techniques fluctuate broadly as per the showing community and to the medically introverted kid evaluation of requirements and symptoms.8 There are numerous social and psychological modalities in managing mentally unbalanced children.9 Recently, numerous treatments presented for the administration of chemical imbalance side effects, for example, diet treatment and medications therapy.10 None of these treatments seems better than others. It is the youngster condition and needs that judge. Subjective models: Since the presentation of mental imbalance as an unmistakable issue by Leo Kanner (1943),11 numerous speculations created to clarify the problem behind this issue. Three primary hypotheses communicated the intellectual brokenness on chemical imbalance. These are The Theory of Mind Deficit, Executive Dysfunction hypothesis and the Weak Central Coherence hypothesis. Hypothesis of psyche shortfall: Hypothesis of psyche alludes to the capacity to make full mental states (convictions, wants, expectations, creative mind, feelings, and so on.) that trigger action.12 Child with chemical imbalance experiences issues to comprehend others considerations which consider, as per the hypothesis of brain, as the center subjective shortfall in autism.13 Official capacity hypothesis: Official capacity hypothesis manages arranging, working memory, drive control, hindrance and mental flexibility.14 Also, it incorporates the commencement and observing of action.14This hypothesis clarifies a portion of the chemical imbalance side effects. For instance, tedious and limited conduct saw in mentally unbalanced kids may be disclosed because of official dysfunction.15 likewise, the poor social connection could be because of imperfection in psychological moving which is a fundamental piece of official function.16 Focal rationality hypothesis: Powerless Central lucidness hypothesis portrays failure to comprehend the unique circumstance or to see the enormous picture.17 This could clarify regular mentally unbalanced practices, for example, tedium, centering to parts of items and constancy in practices identified with details.18 Other psychological hypothesis: Chemical imbalance could be depicted by Piagets two-factor hypothesis of non-literal and employable capacities. A few mentally unbalanced youngsters display a capture in employable capacities at the sensorimotor level while staying to develop in metaphorical capacities. This capture limits resulting advancement of more elevated level hypothetical, allegorical, and social skills.19 Restrictions of intellectual speculations: Subjective speculations have effectively clarified the run of the mill irregular conduct seen in medically introverted youngsters. Be that as it may, intellectual hypotheses have their shortcoming in clarifying the all out image of mental imbalance. Additionally, the deviation in the mentally unbalanced indications between various influenced youngsters couldn't be explained by the intellectual hypotheses. The other remarkable confinement in the intellectual hypotheses is clarifying chemical imbalance as a static psychological hindrance as opposed to contemplating the formative methodology of the condition.20 Psychoanalytic hypotheses: Psychoanalytic hypotheses have their intensity in clarifying the formative mentality of chemical imbalance. Psychoanalysts see mental imbalance as a turmoil in which the improvement of self-observation and view of others is adjusted altogether. Therapy has supported understanding the turn of events, upkeep, and treatment of autism.17 Mental imbalance has two fundamental psychoanalytic clarifications. One is that it is an inability to a prior phase of advancement. Second thought legitimizes medically introverted conduct as a protection component because of incredibly upsetting conditions.17 Impression of Freud hypothesis on chemical imbalance: The strategies for social commitment, which continues to recognizable proof as characterized by Freud are fundamental in mentally unbalanced turn of events. Freuds unique thoughts of drives have impacted the psychodynamics clarifications of the reasons for autism.21 In 1975; Donald Meltzer set up a model of chemical imbalance dependent on three primary methods of reasoning: the destroying of the inner self, cement ID, and the bio-dimensionality of article relations. The destroying of the self image speaks to the possibility that medically introverted youngsters scattered their inner self all through the different faculties, so they can never properly see their general surroundings. Cement distinguishing proof is frequently found in chemical imbalance. It follows the transmission of vitality from the demise drive and the charisma when these drives are being defused. The bio-dimensionality of item relations talks about how the medically introverted kid associates with libidinal article s, with a lack of ability to see past the outside of objects.17 Fridge mother hypothesis: Fridge mother hypothesis is another mental hypothesis clarifying the reason for chemical imbalance. Bettelheim was the primary who present this idea. The hypothesis asserts that mental imbalance is a safeguard instrument against chilly, aloof, and withdrew moms. Medically introverted kids are been raised to hosing and coldblooded families during the underlying phases of advancement where language and social abilities commonly obtain. There is constrained connection among moms and their kids, and this is the center reason for mental imbalance as per Bettelheim.17 Connection shortage hypothesis: Chemical imbalance has been contended because of social separation from guardians; thus the connection shortage hypothesis emerges. Rutgers et al. (2004) relates the social seclusion noted in mental imbalance to the nonattendance of ahead of schedule and made sure about attachement.17 Biological hypothesis on mental imbalance: Bronfenbrenner portrayed human improvement as interconnected, settled natural levels, which can be applied to the ecological situation of medically introverted youngsters. As indicated by the environmental hypothesis, the youngster with chemical imbalance carries on in different microsystem structures and procedures in the home, school, and network. An assortment of intuitive microsystems creates a mesosystem. Exosystems have a circuitous or auxiliary effect on the kid through their immediate impact on the people who interrelate with the youngster. The exosystems formal and casual social settings change characters in the childs smaller scale and mesosystems, subsequently at last influence the mentally unbalanced kids themselves.22 The board of mental imbalance: Recognizing a youngster with medically introverted range issue is a quandary for guardians and parental figures. Various instruments could be utilized to evaluate the seriousness and handicap. Managing mentally unbalanced kids is testing. Numerous modalities have been utilized with various accomplishments. Utilizing medications or diet is dubious. Numerous schools endeavor to mirror the psycho-intellectual speculations for medically introverted range issue in their way to deal with deal with these cases. Learning approaches for chemical imbalance: Numerous methodologies developed to show mentally unbalanced youngsters. The majority of These methodologies depend on the distinctive psycho-intellectual hypotheses on mental imbalance. I will examine the methodologies that are perceived by the American culture of chemical imbalance. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): This technique endeavors to show the medically introverted kid various aptitudes and conduct in stepwise methodologies. The youngster get compensations in the wake of finishing the assignment, so fortifying the errand or conduct. This technique shows up effectively helpful in improving the individual abilities and social conduct. In any case, it required concentrated preparing time at school, and it doesn't set up the medically introverted kid to react to new circumstances in life.23 Treatmentâ Education of Autistic and Related Communication of Handicapped Children (TEACH): In light of the feeling that the earth ought to be acclimatized to the kid with mental imbalance, the TEACH approach utilizes an organized instructing strategy to present abilities and conduct for kids with chemical imbalance. There is no particular procedure for this technique. The childs learning capacities assessed, and afterward instructing systems are arranged by the childs needs. In spite of the fact that this methodology has been condemned for being excessively organized, it encourages the medically introverted kids to comprehend the earth around them and people groups behaviors.23 Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS): This strategy expects essentially to show medically introverted kids, particularly those that don't talk. It assists with improving the relational abilities. It is a reasonable and purposeful technique. The youngster hands on the image important to speak with the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Definition and Examples of Syntactic Ambiguity

Definition and Examples of Syntactic Ambiguity In Englishâ grammar, syntactic equivocalness isâ the nearness of at least two potential implications inside a solitary sentence or grouping of words. Additionally called auxiliary uncertainty orâ grammatical equivocalness. Contrast and lexical ambiguityâ (the nearness of at least two potential implications inside a solitary word). The planned importance of a linguistically equivocal sentence can regularly (yet not generally) be controlled by setting. Models and Observations The teacher said on Monday he would give an exam.The chicken is prepared to eat.The robber undermined the understudy with the knife.Visiting family members can be boring.This morning I shot an elephant in my night wear. How he got in my night robe I dont know.(Groucho MarxA woman with a clipboard halted me in the road a few days ago. She stated, Can you save a couple of moments for malignancy inquire about? I stated, All right, however were not going to get much done.(English humorist Jimmy CarrPlanes can circumvent the world, iPhones can do a zillion things, yet people have not developed a machine that can debone a dairy animals or a chicken as effectively as an individual, says Alan Alanis, a JPMorgan Chase (JPM) analyst.(Bryan Gruley and Lucia Kassai, Brazilian Meatpacker JBS Wrangles the U.S. Meat Industry. Bloomberg Businessweek, September 19, 2013) Sorts of Ambiguity We can roughly arrange the sortsâ of vagueness found in sentences as follows: 1. Unadulterated syntactic ambiguity:old men and womenFrench silk underwear2. Semi syntactic ambiguity:The space traveler entered the environment again.a red pencil3. Lexico-syntactic ambiguity:We saw her duck.I saw the entryway open.4. Unadulterated lexical ambiguity:He arrived at the bank.What is his position? The announcement unadulterated syntactic uncertainty is implied vagueness in which the variation readings of a sentence include indistinguishable lexical units; the equivocalness is accordingly fundamentally an issue simply of the manner in which the components are assembled together.(D. A. Cruse, Lexical Semantics. Cambridge University Press, 1986 Utilizing Speech Cues to Decipher Syntactic AmbiguitySome sentences are grammatically equivocal at the worldwide level, in which case the entire sentence has at least two potential understandings. For instance, They are cooking apples is questionable in light of the fact that it could conceivably imply that apples are being cooked. . . .One of the manners by which audience members work out the syntactic or linguistic structure of spoken sentences is by utilizing prosodic signals as pressure, sound, etc. For instance, in the questionable sentence The elderly people sat on the seat, the ladies could conceivably be old. In the event that the ladies are not old, at that point the verbally expressed span of word men will be generally long and the focused on syllable in ladies will have a lofty ascent in discourse form. Neither of these prosodic highlights will be available if the sentence implies the ladies are old.(M. Eysenck and M. Keane, Cognitive Psychology. Taylor Francis, 2005 Vague StructuresSyntactic vagueness happens when an arrangement of words can be organized in elective manners that are predictable with the sentence structure of the language. For example, . . . [this word group] is vague: (1) a. John told the lady that Bill was dating. . . . In 1a, that Bill was dating could either be a relative proviso (as in John told the lady that Bill was dating an untruth) or a sentence supplement (as in John told the lady that Bill was dating a liar).(Patrizia Tabossi et al., Semantic Effects on Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution in Attention and Performance XV, ed. by C. Umilt. MIT Press, 1994)

Saturday, August 8, 2020

What Are YOU Up To This Summer

What Are YOU Up To This Summer After reading my last blog, Jola from Poland also wanted to let me know that, she, in fact, also just climbed a mountain (at 2000 meters compared to that, Twin Peaks is merely a foothill!) Polish mountains are pretty majestic! (shes the girl in the picture) Which got me thinking what are YOU up to this summer?! Im going to open this up to you guys send me a picture of something cool you did/are doing this summer, and Ill post it on my next blog! What: A picture thats somehow related to your summer which looks awesome. Its preferable that you are in it too but its not necessary. Please include: where you took the picture. affiliation with MIT (year, or year of application for potentials) anything interesting you would like to say about yourself/where you live/whats in the picture/blahblah Other than this the only other thing is to try to make your picture sizes reasonable! (so it doesnt take forever for me to load them I have slow internet here) and dont send me 5 pictures that are 3 MB each. kthx. :P My emails up there on the banner. Will post once I get enough pictures! Youll have at least a week to send them in. Prize: There is a physical prize for the picture I deem the best. The actual prize will be announced afterwards, but will also be awesome, just like the pictures. XP I reserve the right to cancel the prize if I get less than 10 entries. :) GO!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

About Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 603 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/08/15 Category Cinematographic Art Essay Level High school Tags: Jurassic Park Essay Did you like this example? Summary The story took place in Costa Rica where accidents keeps on occurring day after day caused by unknown animals. News have gone around and reached the United States drawing curiosity in US doctors and scientist. There is something unusual happening in this island called Isla Nublar. Researchers and doctors began to question, others have given their thoughts. Some explained its dinosaurs but others think that its impossible because they were extinct billions of years ago. But it is starting to happen again, in this island in Costa Rica. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "About Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton" essay for you Create order At the end of the book, some people already knew what was on that island but a lot still didnt. The government didnt want the news to spread around so they made those people who knew stay in their country for awhile so they can study about what those things are before word goes around. But something was happening, there might be more animals out in the jungle and they dont know what it will do. The animals want are migrating and they dont know what might happen next. Theme I think the theme of this book is about survival. Humans have always had to fight for survival against nature. Technology has a big role in helping us figure out how humans can survive when that time comes. Nature is unpredictable and thats the biggest challenge we have to face. We have tried predicting everything but changes happens. We think we can control the outcome when in reality, we cant. We have to adjust in whats happening around us and accept the fact that we cant save the whole planet. We dont have that power against nature. Character Analysis Dr. Bobbie Carter – a doctor in Costa Rica who helps people who are injured or sick. Bobbie was thinking about the boy hands. They had been covered with cuts and bruises, in the characteristic pattern of defense wounds. She was quite sure he had not died in a construction accident; he had been attacked and he had held up his hands against his attacker. Where is this island theyve come from? Alice Levin she saw Tinas drawing of the lizard and explained that it was a dinosaur. She is a technician. No, Alice Levine said, shaking her head. Look at it. Its very clear. Big head, long neck, stands on its hind legs, thick tails. Its a dinosaur. Powerful Quotes Lets be clear. The planet is not in jeopardy. We are in jeopardy. We havent got the power to destroy the planet- or to save it. But we might have the power to save ourselves. I thought this quote was powerful because it explained the reality of nature and humanity. We are the destruction and we are creating the destruction and now its coming back to us. Humans need nature to survive, but nature doesnt need us. So if we keep on destroying it, were only hurting ourselves. The shorthand is the butterfly effect. A butterfly flaps its wings in Pecking and weather in New York is different. I picked this quote because they were talking about the butterfly effect. Its interesting to think about how one thing affects whats going to happen next. Theres so many what ifs and all these questions about possibilities of what couldve happened, all these questions unanswered about nature. Ending I thought the ending was interesting because they ended it in away where the dinosaurs didnt go extinct and they didnt decide to capture them. The ending is just the beginning of this story. People still doesnt know whats going on and what those animals are.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Essay on UK described in 6 Hofstede dimensions - 1027 Words

1. Today I would like to present you the United Kingdom described in six Geert Hofstedes dimensions. 2. Separated from the European continent by the North Sea and English Channel, the United Kingdom includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. England and Wales were united in 1536. The United Kingdom is the 22nd-most populous country, with an estimated 64.1 million inhabitants. It is a constitutional monarchy and has a parliamentary system of governance. Its capital city is London, an important global city and financial centre with the second-largest urban area in the European Union 3. The culture of the United Kingdom is the pattern of human activity and symbolism associated with the United Kingdom and its people. The UK†¦show more content†¦The route to happiness is through personal fulfillment. 6. Masculinity At 66, Britain is a masculine society – highly success oriented and driven. A key point of confusion for the foreigner lies in the apparent contradiction between the British culture of modesty and understatement which is at odds with the underlying success driven value system in the culture. Critical to understanding the British is being able to ‘’read between the lines’’ What is said is not always what is meant. In comparison to feminine cultures such as the Scandinavian countries, people in the UK live in order to work and have a clear performance ambition. 7. Uncertainty avoidance At 35 the UK has a low score on uncertainty avoidance which means that as a nation they are quite happy to wake up not knowing what the day brings and they are happy to ‘make it up as they go along’ changing plans as new information comes to light. As a low UAI country the British are comfortable in ambiguous situations - the term ‘muddling through’ is a very British way of expressing this. In work terms this results in planning that is not detail oriented – the end goal will be clear but the detail of how we get there will be light and the actual process fluid and flexible to emerging and changing environment. Planning horizons will also be shorter. Most importantly the combination of a highly individualistic and curious nation is aShow MoreRelatedCross Cultural Management4004 Words   |  17 PagesExecutive Summary The aim of this report is to provide a framework for understanding the differences in the cultures of India and China and to highlight the adjustments that will need to be made by ABC Ltd. which is based in Northampton, UK to succeed in the innovation co-operation of solar technology solutions in these two countries (Bhasin, 2007). In this paper we have used the historical background of cultures in India and China to define value, traditions, and attitudes. It also highlightsRead MoreAnalysis Of Hofstede s Five Dimensions Of Culture906 Words   |  4 Pageshad the privilege of working with managers and team members in the UK and European markets and have noticed many differences between how we manage staff, resources and clients. While we have commonalities in the product we’re implementing or presenting to clients or even the language we speak, in the end, we conduct business differently depending on the country or region we’re from. In analyzing Hofstede’s five dimensions of culture we can better understand the cultural differences betweenRead MoreDimensionalizing Cultures. the Hofstede Model in Context11051 Words   |  45 PagesUnit 2 Theoretical and Methodological Issues Subunit 1 Conceptual Issues in Psychology and Culture 12-1-2011 Article 8 Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context Geert Hofstede Universities of Maastricht and Tilburg, The Netherlands, hofstede@bart.nl Recommended Citation Hofstede, G. (2011). Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, Unit 2. Retrieved from http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/orpc/vol2/iss1/8 This Online Readings inRead MoreSupermarket Retailing in Brazil and India3706 Words   |  15 Pageseffort to grow their businesses in other countries. As the global middle class continues to increase in numbers, the selection of countries appropriate for expansion has become even more difficult. 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Editors Mary Kalantzis, Innovation Professor, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Bill Cope, Common Ground and Visiting Fellow, Globalism Institute, RMIT University, Australia. . Editorial Advisory Board Chryssi Vitsilakis-Soroniatis, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece. Eleni Karantzola, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece. Gerasimos Kouzelis, University of Athens, Greece. Leslie Johnson, University of Greenwich, UK. Bruce Cronin, University

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Planned Parenthood Federation of America Free Essays

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) delivers vital health care services, sex education, and sexual health information to millions of women, men, and young people. As stated in their website, they â€Å"deliver comprehensive and medically accurate information that empowers women, men, teens, and families to make informed choices and lead healthy lives. Planned Parenthood is proud of its vital role in providing young people with honest sexuality and relationship information in classrooms and online†. We will write a custom essay sample on Planned Parenthood Federation of America or any similar topic only for you Order Now If we are to evaluate their services and advocacy based on the criteria of evaluating the merit of benefit types, we can say that their services cater to the idea of consumer sovereignty. This benefit type is basically focused on providing choices to the consumer or target market of Planned Parenthood’s services. The organization basically advocates a Pro-Choice approach when it comes to birth control methods which runs counter to many principles advocated by religious groups. Planned Parenthood’s approach basically counters the idea of coercion and intrusion into the privacy lives of individuals, basically in making choices about birth control methods, sex education, and women’s health. However, this kind of liberalistic thinking is unacceptable in some cultures. Thus, although the organization promotes the improvement of the sexual health and well-being of individuals and families globally, their actions run counter to conservative cultures and organizations (especially the churches). Although it has local partners in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean their advocacy for promoting women’s choice when it comes to birth control makes them a bitter opponent against the establishment. Their vocal and outspoken global partners are considered to be intruding already into the privacy of families and society in general. That somehow dilutes the benefits that are provided by the organization to the public, by shifting the focus of the public from the benefits of their advocacy to the harmful effects of their group’s activist actions. How to cite Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Othello (935 words) Essay Example For Students

Othello (935 words) Essay OthelloDuring the Elizabethan times it was uncommon for black people to act out rolesin plays. Shakespeare introduces this to his audience in two plays, the firstTitus Andromicus and the second Othello. The first black character, Aaron, isportrayed as a secondary villain. Othello on the other hand is of higher statusthan many of his peers in the play. This was different for Shakespeare topresent a minority person with such authority as a main character. Even withsuch, many different racial slurs were used by supporters to degrade him. In ActI, Scene I, Iago, the villain in this play and at the same time the right handman of Othello, is screaming to Desdemonas father from the outside of hishouse even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe(Shakespeare 1051). The thick-lips (Shakespeare 1050) is mentioned in thisplay towards Othello but is not the first time Shakespeare uses it. He uses thephrase in Titus Andronicus to describe the biracial child of the Moor, Aar on. We will write a custom essay on Othello (935 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Moor is another term frequently used to identify those darker skinned people. (Shakespeare 1052). Brabantio goes as far as accusing Othello of witchcraft. Hesays that Othello must have used drugs and minerals to get Desdemona tomarry his sooty bosom. Iago instigates the characters in this play that dospeak foul of Othello. It is quite obvious from the beginning of the story thatIago is betraying Othello. Iago mentions to Roderigo I am not what I am. The choice of words he used towards Othello does not necessarily mean that he isa racist yet at the same time I do not feel that Othellos Quintana -2-background effects the events in this play. With or without Othello being a Moorthe outcome of the play would have worked as well. Name-calling, which is how Idescribe what Iago was doing throughout the play, is a common way of trying todegrade someone even in todays society. You try to find something in youropponent that distinguishes him from yourself and the people who defend you andyou use this to break down their esteem. Iago, out of jealousy, calls Othellonames behind his back and still with all this. Iago is very clever in makingOthello vulnerable to his word. Iagos manipulation to Othello is neverspecified to be race related although racial slurs are what he constantlyrepeats. He simply uses these remarks to mock Othello. This is evidence thatleads me to believe that if Shakespeare would not have made Othello of the samerace as the rest of the characters the plot of this story would have remainedthe same and it would have flowed just as well. Shakespeare would just have hadto use other non-racial yet discriminating words against Othello. Love andjealousy are the central feelings portrayed in this story, not racism. All Iagowants is to take over the leadership power that Othello has. He enjoys creatingchaos as all villains do and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Thisdemonstrates the evil he has within himself. Iago persuades Roderigo to sell allof his belongings so that there may be a chance between him and Desdemona. (Shakespeare 1065) Two-faced Iago also flourishes Desdemona with his praises. (Shakespeare 1068) is making himself out to be a loyal friend in her eyeseveryone is easily influenced by Iago. He has his way with everyone. NeitherRoderigo nor Desdemona are different in color Quintana -3- complexion for Iagoto deceive them but he does anyway. They are all part of his betrayal. Iago isall for himself. He even goes to the extent of convincing his wife to steal ahandkerchief from Desdemona and then made it part of his scheme. There were nolimits for him. He took down whomever he had to. Even though Othello was blackhe was integrated into the Venetian society and was also the states militarychampion against the Turks, which made his status equal to that of Desdemonasfather, Brabantio. Prior to Othello having eloped with Desdemona Brabantio hadinvited this Moor to his house and held this black man as one of his peers. Buteven having all of this authority Othello is nonetheless an outsider and he isvery much aware of this. Othello tells us this in Act I, Scene III when hementions his mercenary at a rented field. Othellos black skin color isless a racial issue than a cultural discriminator. Nevertheless racialstereotyping rather tham simple division between Venetian and non-Venetian doessurface in Othello. In the minds of Shakespeares audience black people wereidentified with witchcraft and other non-Christian superstitions. Brabantioaccuses Othello of witchcraft, saying that the Moor must have used drugs andminerals to overcome Desdemona to his sooty bosom. In act III scene IVOthellos explanation of the missing handkerchief implies that his motherengaged in charms that she acquired through other non-whites, in this case anEgyptian. Race plays less a factor than what most critics makes it out to be. .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d , .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d .postImageUrl , .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d , .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d:hover , .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d:visited , .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d:active { border:0!important; } .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d:active , .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub7e94bbcd4d02b9416e1407f2349ce7d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Rogerian Arguments EssayOthello being a minority yet at the same time holding such high status insociety, even though Quintana -4- conditioned to his usefulness to Venice,proves this. It was common for Skakepeares audience to stereotype andassociate his color complexion with witchcraft but by no means identical to whatoccurs in present day society. Bibliography1. Meyer, Michael. Othello The Moor of Venice. The Compact BedfordIntroduction to Literature. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2000 2. Moore,Roger. Hamlet Click-Guide. All Shakespeare last updated 1 July2000 Available from World Wide Web: URL: http://www.allshakespeare.com3. Ogude, S. E. Literature and Racism: The Example of Othello Othello: NewEssays by Black Writers. Ed. Mythili Kaul Washington, D. C.: Howard UniversityPress, 1997, pp. 151-166

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Holding On free essay sample

A soft contemporary gospel graced the air as the youth pastor began his monologue to the audience of teenagers. They raised their hands in both anticipation and in attempt to grasp the words as they left the delicate speech of the pastor, his young face glowing a slight pink as his emotions filled him with spirit. I couldn’t grasp exactly what he said, or rather I do not remember his words, but I could tell from the mumblings of the crowd and the swaying motion of the musicians that whatever this man said it could be translated as â€Å"sermon†. What I do remember of the service was the slick hardwood beneath my fingers as I pressed them against the seat of the booth I sat in. As the hands of the audience raised higher, I sank my fingers into the seat, as if in fear that I would float away with the music drifting through the stuffy air. We will write a custom essay sample on Holding On or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ever since, and even before, I came out, I have dealt with the fact that no matter what church I go to, even in my home church, there will always be someone there who believes I’m choosing the painful card I was dealt, and who believes that because of this unlucky fate I will be thrown into eternal torture. Luck of the draw, I suppose. Yet this sentiment is found even outside a religious setting. What I’ve found throughout my journey is when you’re Queer, in gender identity, sexuality, or both, the church becomes a constant opponent in the matter of both civil rights and protections, to simple tasks such as buying clothes and ordering coffee. The simple micro-aggressions experienced in every waking hour, such as those around you refusing to use the correct pronoun or name, or being the topic of debate among friends and classmates, take a toll on a person mentally and emotionally. It becomes harder to trust others, and harder to create expectations, when the reli gious views of individuals are treated as more relevant than your state of being. For these reasons, unknown places of worship such as the many conservative churches in our area have become my least favorite places. The moment you walk into such a place, it’s as if the air itself stops circulating and you. You feel your lungs exhale slowly, desperately trying to release the tension built up from the many mental rehearsals of confrontations both theological and physical. The videos of pastors screeching about homosexual demons and perverse cross-dressing abominations swirl in your mind as you try to read the faces of those around you, and determine who is an enemy and who is safe to talk to. This paranoia causes your cheeks to flush and your body to flinch at each interaction. You see beyond the smiling faces, you tell yourself, and look deeper into the societal prejudice they hold for you though they may not know it themselves. This feeling of suspicion and as what I can only describe as â€Å"prejudicial security† is present each time I visit a church that is not my own. I can distinguish the faces of my home church far easier than the faces of a foreign church. This has become the reason why I despise the visiting of churches in our area. When I accompany a friend to their church, whether it be Non-Denominational or Pentecostal, the air in the sanctuary is suffocating as if the exhale of each congregate steals the oxygen from your body. Every sense your body detects becomes detestable. The smell of burning candles and fresh paint infests your nose, causing you to cough uncontrollably. Eucharist wine and small pieces of bread become poison that decimates your immune system, to where every word said to you infects your insides. Your ears bleed at the sound of members speaking in tongues. The feel of the padded pew or slick balcony seat absorbs your finger tips, turning from red to white. It’s astounding to me, who is so affected by the presence of toxic religion, that I still wish to pursue Seminary and form my major around the study of God. It has made me question my way of thinking about God, and if the traditions I was exposed to as a child, and still now, hold a light to how God truly is. Is my God a vengeful entity who damns the oppressed? Does my God conform to a patriarchal society that condemns those who do not fit the typical gender binary? Was Christ sent to save the world from my God? These questions of theology and morality that I had left unquestioned and unchecked as a child have now seized my waking thought; was everything I was taught about God and Jesus Christ wrong? Through many conversations and exploring of liberation theology, I have found that my God is a God who embodies the oppressed. My God values diversity and created such differences among creation for a reason. My God, who exists as the spiritual form of the ostracized and forsaken, by definition is the face of the oppressed itself. My Christ, being the son of God, must therefore be the embodiment of the forsaken in the flesh, existing as a Queer person of color whom history has lost to the white-washed, cisgendered, hetero-normalized, structure of modern society. After coming to these conclusions, I’ve realized that I have made a large step forward to a more confident and more actualized version of myself. The fear of a toxic worship slips from my mind as Rev. Jessica Hawkinson, a holy and kind person who welcomed me to join the Lux Theological Institute for Youth at Monmouth College, stands before a modest podium with a colorful cloth gently draped over it. Her voice is soothing and calm as she welcomes the sixteen other students surrounding me to the Institute, and her eyes fill with tears as she speaks, causing my vision to shake as I began to cry myself. The Rev. Chuck Goodman, a compassionate and enthusiastic pastor from Springfield who was invited to help deliver the sacraments and lead worship for the youth, invites all who sit before the podium to touch the water in the wide clear blue basin sitting upon the table. The sixteen other student surround the basin, lightly dipping a hand or finger into the water. I stand at the back, grasping the shoulder my friend Ellie. I’m still fighting back tears as a picture is taken of everyone at the basin. I can be seen grasping Ell ie’s shoulder, holding on to her soft skin. My fingers quake as Rev. Goodman continues to speak. I eventually let go, letting myself drift with his words through the stuffy air.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Misconceptions About Family Crests and Coats of Arms

Misconceptions About Family Crests and Coats of Arms Do you have a family coat of arms? If so, it may not be exactly what you think. Many people throughout history have used coats of arms ornamentally without giving much thought to the accuracy of their design or their own right to use them. There are, unfortunately, many companies in business today who will sell you your family coat of arms on a t-shirt, mug, or handsomely engraved plaque. While these companies are not necessarily out to scam you, their sales pitch is very misleading and, in some cases, outright incorrect. Coat of Arms Versus Family Crest A coat of arms is essentially a graphic display of your familys name, made unique in some way to the individual bearer.  A traditional coat of arms typically includes a patterned shield that is decorated with a crest, a helmet, a motto, a crown, a wreath, and a mantling. The oldest son would often inherit the coat of arms from his father without any changes, while younger brothers often added symbols to make theirs unique. When a woman married, the coat of arms of her family was often added to her husbands arms, called marshaling. As families grew, the shield of the coat of arms was sometimes divided into different parts (e.g. quartered) to represent the merging of families (although this is not the only reason a shield might be divided). Many people interchangeably use the terms crest and coat of arms to refer to the same thing, however, the crest is just one small part of the full coat of arms- an emblem or symbol worn upon a helmet or crown.   Finding a Familys Coat of Arms Except for a few individual exceptions from some parts of Eastern Europe, there is no such thing as a family coat of arms for a particular surname - despite the claims and implications of some companies to the contrary. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families or surnames. A form of property, coats of arms may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male-line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. Such grants were (and still are) made by the proper heraldic authority for the country in question. The next time you come across a product or scroll with a family coat of arms for your surname, remember that your carrying of a particular name, such as Smith, doesnt grant you the right to any of the hundreds of coats of arms borne throughout history by others named Smith. Therefore, how could an individual or company that has not researched your direct family tree know whether you have inherited the right to display a particular coat of arms? If youre looking for something fun to wear on a t-shirt or display in your home, then these items are okay, though misrepresentative. But  if youre looking for something from your own family history, then buyer beware! Determining Whether an Ancestor Was Awarded a Coat of Arms If you would like to learn if a coat of arms was awarded to one of your ancestors, you will first need to research your family tree back to the ancestor you believe may have been granted a coats of arms, and then  contact  the College of Arms or appropriate authority for the country  your ancestor was from and request a search in their records (they often provide this service for a fee). While it is unlikely, although possible, that an original coat of arms was granted to an ancestor on your direct paternal line (handed down from father to son), you may also be able to find a family connection to a coat of arms.  In most countries you can design and even register your own individual coat of arms, so you could create one for yourself based on the arms of someone who shared your surname, from another ancestor in your family tree, or from scratch- to represent something special to your family and its history.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Media Production - This is England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Media Production - This is England - Essay Example The continuous whisper of ‘war’, soulful blast, and meaningless foreign conflict, which are undertaken for hidden desires and the obscured racism, are a clear reminder of England’s past (Brussat 2013) Location This Is England was entirely filmed in the East Midlands, an irregular landscape of flatlands and estate buildings with poor infrastructure development. Most of the movie’s shooting was done in the residential areas at Nottingham, Lenton, and some parts of St Ann’s. Meadow’s movie production history demonstrates the utilization of countryside region to form spectacular film background. Similarly, Meadow’s in his movie â€Å"This Is England† concentrates much on the countryside as part of the flat landscape, which portrays much of unemployment and few chances of self-development. This environment gives the viewer a chance to meet Shane Meadow’s in his boyhood age of twelve years whose father perishes in the war agains t Argentina (Goldsmith 2006) Themes The death of Shaun father leaves him exposed to tyrants in the streets and school compound whereby one moment a garrulous skinhead schoolmate takes him off course. The fact that Shaun kept his own counsel worsens his anger making it tough for him to get well with other boys, which leads to a lonely self-life in the firsts scenes of the movie. With time, Shaun finds unusual friends who have no taste for education and spent most of their time in criminal activities such as excessive drinking and street fights. Shaun gets a strange haircut to please the gang of skinheads that was much focused on racial antagonism. Fortunately, a conflict arises over the leadership of the gang leading the head of the gang, Woody, to split. Combo an ex-convict takes the readership of the opposing group that seemed to possess racism. The arrival of Combo from prison changes the plot whereby Combo’s numerous fights with blacks in jail led to his acquisition of bel ligerency experience. Combo’s comeback draws boundaries in the gang’s union whereby he challenges the skinheads led by Woody to guard England against external influence and encourages Milky to behave more like an Englishman and not just like a Jamaican (IMDb 2007). During the leadership struggle of the gang, Shaun turns on the side of Combo with a conviction that his father did not die in vain after, which he is trained on combat as well as survival for the fittest techniques. Considerably, â€Å"This Is England† title of the movie and Combo’s entreaty reveal the actual nature of England’s politics and cultural background. A great embrace of English heritage, as brought out by the Combo, shows a sense of social purity and racism. On the other hand, the viewer is able to view England that is struggling to be recognized as being in a mixed state and assimilated by colonial influences, which erode the native English culture and mix it with that of the irs (Goldsmith 2006). However, Meadow’s plot concentrates on the theme where the struggle for heritage gives birth to racism. In a later scene, national front meeting attended by British farmers and factory workers is clandestinely arranged behind a pub, which becomes one of the most scaring parts of the film that is full of engraved terror on what would be the next scene (French 2006) The spilt gang leaders, Combo and Woody, are able to care for honest and bullying skinhead boy under their reign.  

Monday, February 3, 2020

Corporate Environmental Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Corporate Environmental Reporting - Essay Example The stakeholders have been under utter confusion with regard to the information contained in the reports. Naturally, an expectation gap exists between the users (stakeholders) and preparers of environmental reports. At this juncture, a study is relevant as to examine whether there is any such expectation gap is present or not. The present study, therefore, attempts to examine the difference in the perception of preparers and users of environmental reports in the U.K. The study is carried out as an exploratory research by suing sample survey. An extensive preliminary research has been undertaken so as to acquire a basic knowledge of the unexplored area. The study heavily relies on primary data and data are collected directly from the respondents using two sets of well structured questionnaire. An interview schedule is also prepared to collect data. The population for the study comprises of two sets of professionals, namely chartered accountants and chief accounting officials of 200 ma nufacturing firms in the U.K. Naturally, the sample size of the survey comes to 400 put together. The data collected are edited, coded and analyzed to arrive at meaningful conclusions and generalizations. Because of the increased emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) the world over, corporations are obliged to present the information about the fulfillment of their duties towards various stakeholders including society... Corporations across the globe have accepted CSR as an effective tool for sustainable development and high financial performance. To communicate and share the information about what the corporations have done in respect of CSR is made possible through what is popularly known as Environmental Reporting (ER). In a broad sense, environmental reporting is known by various nomenclatures such as Corporate Social Reporting, Triple Bottom Line Reporting etc. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) defines Environmental Reporting as "public reports by companies to provide internal and external stakeholders with a picture of the corporate position and activities on economic, environmental and social dimensions". It is taken as a means to publicly demonstrate organizations' commitment to environmental obligations and to disseminate information on their environmental performance and initiatives. In most of the countries, environmental reporting has not been made mandatory, but corporations take it as obligation on their part to fulfill the information needs of the various stakeholders by preparing various reports in an appropriate manner. In the developed countries like the U.K and the U.S., it is being widely established and applied by big as well as small organizations. As per the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines, following are the principles of environmental reporting. - Transparency; - Accuracy; - Clarity; - Inclusiveness and completeness; - Verifiability and auditability; - Timeliness; - Relevance to the concerns of stakeholders; - Comparability (to facilitate comparison over time and between organizations); and, - Neutrality Since the emergence

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Measuring The Cost Of Cybercrime Criminology Essay

Measuring The Cost Of Cybercrime Criminology Essay Australasians policing (this also includes New Zealand Police) vision statement, as indicated in its strategic directions document is A safer and more secure community. Because technology, which includes the internet, is a very essential part of life today, the term community in Australasians vision statement needs to correspondingly be relevant in the new facet of cyberspace. It discusses the dangers and risks of the internet which includes the description of the e-crime problem, the effect on safety in different situations, and the different problems it poses; classifies and discusses the new response problems that may be run into during e-crime prevention, exposure and investigation; and delineates broadly initiatives of Australasian policing meant to prevent and minimize the occurrence of e-crime and improve the communitys safety and security. It concludes by asserting that a response capacity will only be successful and all-inclusive by wholly adopting prevention and partnership programs, including, with regards to online youth abuse, putting prominence on community education that requires the growth of protective behaviours in children, educated and involved adults, and good guidance by parents, teachers and schools. Ciardhuà ¡in, S. (2004). An extended model of cybercrime investigations. International Journal of Digital Evidence, 3(1), pp. 1-22. An effective model of cybercrime investigations is vital due to the fact that it specifies a theoretical reference framework, independent of any specific organisational setting or technology, for the analysis of methods and technology for strengthening investigators work. Ciardhuà ¡in in this article presents a model of investigations which brings together existing models, simplifies them and expands them by clearly focusing on specific activities that they do not have. Instead of only processing evidence like previous models, this model clearly outlines the information that flow during an investigation and depicts the deep extent of an investigation. This paper also presents the results of an assessment of the model by cybercrime investigators in practice. It concludes by testing the feasibility and applicability of this model by comparing it to various important existing models. Brenner, S. W. (2006). At light speed: Attribution and response to cybercrime/terrorism/ warfare, Journal of Criminal Law Criminology, 97(2), pp. 379-419. The alacrity and obscurity of cyber-attacks renders differentiating among the activities of terrorists, offenders, and nation states challenging. This article elucidates why and by what means computer technology obfuscates the correlated practices of classifying internal (which include crime and terrorism) and external (war) dangers to society of countering such threats. It begins by structuring a classification of cyber threats (that is, crime, terrorism, and war) and describes why these changing threat classes can make who- and what-attribution difficult. It also gives details of how these problems with attribution influence the handling cyber threats and continues to investigate this issue by considering methods that can be used to improve the response capacity without compromising principles dear to the heart. The article concludes by agreeing that while the methods analysed in the article may not be the key to solving this obscurity, or the solution to the problem, the paper may be used in discussing these issues, a discussion that lead to developing of strategies that enhance the ability to manage the threats that occur from cyberspace. Brenner, S., Koops, B. J. (2004). Approaches to cybercrime jurisdiction. Journal of High Technology Law, 4(1), 189-202. Jurisdiction in cybercrimes is a thorny subject. Activities on the internet that are lawful in the areas where they are started may be illegal in other areas, even if the activity is not principally directed at that single area. This article focuses on jurisdiction in basic criminal law by scrutinizing the cybercrime statutes of several countries and states. The analysis is however limited predominantly to statutory law because, hitherto, the case law existing on cross-border cybercrime jurisdiction is scarce. After comprehensively giving a description to jurisdiction, the article reviews jurisdiction clauses in cybercrime statues that determine jurisdiction, centred on either territorial claims, on personality claims, or on other claims, for example the protection rule and universality. It concludes by recapping the different tactics in cybercrime jurisdiction, the difficulties that this disparity presents, and specifying stemming issues that call for further analysis. Australian Government. (2009). Cybersecurity Strategy. Commonwealth of Australia. Retrieved from http://www.ag.gov.au/Documents/AG%20Cyber%20Security%20Strategy%20-%20for%20website.pdf Among the top national security priorities in Australia at the moment is cyber security. The national security, economic wealth and social security in Australia are vitally subject to the accessibility, reliability and privacy of a variety of ICTs (Information and Communication Technology). This article is an Australian Government Policy Strategy that describes how the government is using every resource to help safeguard government, business and individual Australians. It also describes the means in which new capacities have been started to ensure that Australians, as well as the businesses they do business with, are better protected. It concludes by suggesting that, given the fast growth in the intensity and complexity of cybercrime and other cyber security perils, it is critical that government, business and the society are cognizant of the seriousness of cyber security risks and devote to work as one to protect this critical part of the community and economy. Wall, D. (2008). Cybercrime, media and insecurity: The shaping of public perceptions of cybercrime. International Review of Law, Computers and Technology, 22(1-2), pp. 45-63 There is a significant disparity in our perception of cybercrime that solicits several critical questions about the condition of the production of criminological knowledge on it. This article critically examines the manner in which public perceptions of cybercrime are modelled and uncertainties about it are spawned. It looks at the differing abstracts of cybercrime before pinpointing conflicts in the production of criminological knowledge that are the cause of the confusion between rhetoric and reality. Next, it juxtaposes the myths of cybercrime with what is really happening with the intention of appreciating the reassurance disproportion that has unfolded between community needs for internet security and its provision. The article concludes by calling for the necessity to be clear about where the equilibrium between the need to maintain lawfulness online and the need to enforce law is set because, until this equilibrium has been realized, the cybercrime reassurance gap will not be closed. Choo, K. R. (2008). Organised crime groups in cyberspace: A typology. Trends in Organized Crime, 11(3), pp. 270-295. doi: 10.1007/s12117-008-9038-9. While questions have been raised as to the existence of organised criminal activities in cyberspace, a number of studies have of late highlighted the interaction between cyberspace and organized crime. The cyberspace gives organised crime groups an asylum for the development of their organisational and effective abilities. This article describes three classes of organised groups that take advantage of developments in ICT to contravene legal and regulatory jurisdictions, which comprise (1) old-style organised criminal groups that exploit ICT to boost their global criminal activities; (2) organised cybercriminal groups that operate entirely online; and (3) organised groups of ideologically and doctrinally inspired parties who exploit ICT to ease their criminal behaviour. The article concludes by noting that with the enhanced probability of digital content being a basis of debates or forming part of basic proof to back or rebut an argument in judicial proceedings, the need for law appli cation to have broad understanding of computer forensic techniques, tools, principles, procedures and guidelines, in addition to anti-forensic tools and techniques will become more pronounced. Moreover, it also sees the need for fresh strategies of response and more research on investigating organised criminal activities in cyberspace. Holt, T. J., Bossler, A. M. (2012). Predictors of Patrol Officer Interest in Cybercrime Training and Investigation in Selected United States Police Departments. Cyberpsychology, Behaviour, and Social Networking, 15(9), 464-472. For the past thirty years, there has been an increase in the use of technology to aid crimes in both the cyber and physical worlds. This problem has resulted in the creation of significant challenges for the enforcement of law, especially at the state and local levels. It is because of this that this article examines the dynamics that projected patrol officers interest in cybercrime investigations and training in two south-eastern cities in the U.S. The analysis particularly observed the connection between demographics, cybercrime exposure, computer training, computer expertise, Internet and cybercrime perceptions, and perceptions on policing cybercrime with officer appeal to cybercrime investigation training and handling cybercrime investigations in the future. At the end, from the findings, the article substantiates the argument that more knowledge and departmental consultations relating to the value of investigating these types of crime need to be held so as to boost officer inter est. Bossler, A. M., Holt, T. J. (2012). Patrol officers perceived role in responding to cybercrime. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies Management, 35(1), pp. 165-181 Minor empirical research is available concerning how local law enforcement has dealt with cybercrime. The main aim of this article is to know: the law enforcement agencies that line officers consider to be largely in charge of investigating cybercrime instances; their views about their agencys current capacity to handle these offenses; and their attitudes as regards the effective ways of improving the social response to cybercrime. To do so, the authors surveyed patrol officers in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg and Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan police departments. The authors found that officers do not think that local law enforcement should be largely in charge of dealing with cybercrime incidents and they have scarce information on the manner in which upper management is handling cybercrime. Officers showed that the most effective approaches to handle cybercrime were more care taken by people online and amendments to the legal system. The article concludes by noting the significant need for more statistical recording of cybercrime so as to better appreciate the problem in addition to how local law enforcement and first responders are tackling these issues Jiggins, S. (2000). E-crime: a global challenge for law enforcement. Platypus Magazine, Australian Federal Police. Retrieved from: http://www.afp.gov.au/media-centre/publications/platypus/previous-editions/2000/december-2000/ecrime Among the biggest challenges related with modern technology is the fact that crimes can be perpetrated on a large-scale basis with such rapidity and obscurity, which if not dealt with, endangers the sustainability of the economic security of businesses and the existence of smaller nation states. Because of this invasive nature of modern technologies, the report recognizes the need for law enforcement to work together with other sectors in the industry and the community to breed an across-the-board state and local approach to the issue. The report tackles issues such as the global nature of e-crime, securing, developing and holding on to expert staff and getting around technology gap, gathering and retaining electronic evidence, establishing the identity of criminals, developing tools to counter crime, reacting to crime instantaneously, and advancing reporting of electronic crime. The report concludes by setting the stage for further analysis, which will identify first priority matter s, gaps and weaknesses that must be tackled by any strategy if law enforcement is to meet the challenges of the virtual horizon.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Pauline Ethics Essay

1.Why is it necessary that actions proceed from moral and spiritual vision? It is necessary that actions proceed from moral and spiritual vision because the attainment or accomplishment of our vision or goals is when we will be able to put it into action. What is in hearts and minds must be seen through our actions because grace to Apostle Paul work in the inside out. Like Apostle Paul, his ethical teaching flows from a moral vision. For him, to be a Christian is to able to do God’s will. To know the Christian codes of right conduct and behavior, we must have the moral capacity to act on them. In short, if one has moral character then one will act morally. In Colossians 3:1-2, Paul said that â€Å"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.† If we are seeking after the exalted Lord Jesus Christ then it envisions our practical pursui t of spiritual goals. Then to set our minds on things above, emphasizes that we have the spiritual capacity to accomplish those spiritual goals. For example, one of my moral visions is to be more patient enough or to control my being hot tempered against unreasonable people. In order to attain this goal of mine then I have to pray for them to become matured enough and also ask God to give me wisdom in dealing with them especially in giving responses, reactions or comments to what they say. Further, I have to befriend them and try to reach out with their needs. All these moral and spiritual visions will be accomplished through our actions since we participated in the death and resurrection of Christ; we are now being transformed into new person by God’s grace. 2. How do the virtues of Faith, Hope and Love affect the practice and conduct of your own particular profession? These three virtues affect the practice and conduct of my profession in such a way that as a Social Worker I am committed to help the less fortunate people or people who are deprived from their own rights (esp. the indigent) in the upliftment of their lives. Because of my faith that God will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) and that He will provide all our needs according to glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19) then I have to keep going, not to be discouraged in helping these clients. This virtue of faith drives me to hope that someday, somehow, these less fortunate people will rise from their present situation and be able to exercise their right and duties as citizenry of our country. Also to pursue my commitment, I have the duty to love these people as Jesus loved me unconditionally. There are times that it’s not easy to love especially if I encounter rude people but to be able practice my faith, I ought to do so. 3.How would you foster ethical/moral values in the following realities? a.Consumerism – buying only what I need (want vs. need). By being practical and maximizing my resources to the fullest. Also when buying something, do not be brand conscious but focus on the usefulness of that thing. b.Mundane and Profane tendencies – not to conform to the pattern or evil desires of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind†¦ (Romans 12:2) even if it is the trend. To stand out against the world. c.Relativism – by respecting one’s faith and beliefs. Also being open to the perspective of others not to be so closed with what I know and how I understands different things in life but be willing to share or exchange with one’s opinion and ideas. d.Technological Dependence – for me by choosing only what is applicable to my need and demand of times. Personal relationship should not be sacrificed just because of this high technology. e.Economic Scarcity – being resourceful and practical and maximizing the full potential of such – (Principle of supply and demand). For example, there was food scarcity in a certain area because of typhoon devastation. Relief goods were distributed and so there were crowd falling in line. In this case, I would give priority to senior citizens, the sick, pregnant and the handicapped, though all of them have equal need. 4.How do you exercise your particular profession in the perspective of the following Christian Gifts (Romans 12:4-11)? a.Prophecy – For me, when I was in the National Irrigation Administration as Irrigator’ Development Officer, I do a lot of field work, meetings, and trainings. I always inject the word of God in giving opening prayers in the conduct of meetings and trainings. Even when I do home visitations, during informal sessions with my clients I inspire them with the words of God especially when they open-up their problems and difficulties in life. In that way, I know I was able to exercise this gift of prophesy. b. Practical Service – When I perform my duties and responsibilities, I do it with all my heart not to please my boss or co-worker but to please God. Since we have a multi-task function in the office before, even cleaning the comfort rooms, (when our janitor retires and our office did not hire anymore instead we are task to do additional janitorial works) I do it with gladness. I told myself that this will not degrade my profession because even Jesus washed the feet of His disciples as an example of true humility and service. c.Teaching – In conducting seminars and trainings with the farmers, I think I do exercise this gift God has given in relation to the teaching of Christ. Like for instance, one the principles that we emphasize with our farmer clientele is the principle of sharing (e.g. there must proper sharing of irrigation water). This principle is in light with the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ to share what we have to those who don’t have. I give instruction, rules and regulations as a way of teaching in the attainment of target/desired goals of our agency. d.Encouragement – This gift is attached to my profession I think especially to deal with different kinds of people with different ethical behavior. I need to practice this gift in order for me to attract or influence these farmers in the performance of their duties and responsibilities as partners of irrigation development. To encourage is my â€Å"capital† to become effective IDO. e.Almsgiving – to perform my duties and responsibilities in the office, I am willing to give my time beyond the prescribed office hour (8 hours a day) without expecting a reward or additional compensation. I always stay in the office beyond office hours just to comply with the deadlines reports and other pertinent works or when my superior asked me to do something. f.Position or Authority – whenever I am tasked to do something, for example, assign me to lead or spearhead a particular program/project, I always accept it without hesitation and I have to perform to the best of my ability involving my team in all aspects of the project because I believed that team approach is more effective way in accomplishing a particular activity/project. g.Acts of Mercy – in working with my officemates and rendering service with my farmer-clientele, I do it by heart and with joy. I have to enjoy my work so that I will not get burn-out. I still remember when I do field work and do home visitations with the farmer leaders, they even open-up their problems regarding their private life and I do some counseling and offer prayers for them and this developed a closer relationship with them. 5.Why is it necessary to contextualized Pauline Ethics in your own field of expertise? By contextualizing Pauline Ethics in my own field of expertise I can share/bring the â€Å"good news† or the love of God to my clientele. By exercising the seven Christian Gifts and the various codes of Christian conduct, I believe I can help in the transformation of their lives just like what Jesus did for us. And hopefully not only our direct clients will be influenced but their family circle and the whole community as well. A concrete example of this is when I conduct training, imparting to my farmer clientele the value of self-discipline in light of distribution irrigation water, payment of irrigation fees, etc. but it does not end up with the irrigation water alone but relating it to the whole aspect of their lives. I was amazed that I have seen the impact of this with their lives through evaluation and some farmers will give feed-backs on the positive impact of the training in their li ves. 6. Defend or Refute: The transformation of one’s life from vice to virtue, and alienation to reconciliation is the byproduct of grace. I strongly agree that the transformation of one’s life from vice to virtue and alienation to reconciliation is the byproduct of grace. The transformation of our character from negative to positive is not by our own strength. If we want to change and have transformation it’s only by God’s grace. As Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 12:9, He said to me, â€Å"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.† He promised grace for Paul’s pain. It means therefore that in our weaknesses, God’s power is sufficient. Grace simply means God’s help, intervention and strength in our weakness. Our vices or character deficiencies can be replaced with virtues or character assets by trusting God’s grace. By participating in Christ’s work and our confession that He is our Lord and Savior means transformation of our lives so that we can live our lives in accordance to God’s will. We are alienated before because of our sinful nature which we inherited from Adam and Eve, but because God loves us so much, He gave His one and only Son to die on the cross for our sins. So with Christ death on the cross we were being reconciled to God. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, â€Å"For it is by grace you have been saved through faith- and this not from yourselves it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.† Our salvation is by God’s grace- gift of God (undeserved gift) through faith but we have to ask (open our hearts and let Christ reign in our lives) so that we will receive this gift of salvation. We cannot earn our own salvation but it’s only by God’s grace! 7. Defend or Refute: To live through commitment and not merely by inspiration means to be faithful to God. Yes I agree to this statement. To be faithful to God means a commitment to live our lives to Him and not merely by inspiration. For Paul when he was converted in Damascus, he started to commit his life to God no matter what the cause maybe. In the practical side of it, to live our lives through commitment is living with a purpose and direction. Once we are committed to do something, we do it consistently, not mechanically but with all our mind and heart having the assurance and certainty that God will be glorified. By doing so it follows the joy and love in performing the act not by force or compulsion. On the other hand, we should not live only by mere inspiration not just to enjoy life and be contented to what will happen. For example, one way to be faithful to God is to pray every day – giving thanks to Him for all the circumstances He brought in my life and entrusting to Him all my concerns and even my future. I should do this consistently and accept whatever God’s response. Another way of my being faithful to God is by giving my tithes and offering regularly. 8. Defend or refute: If one acts on the basis of the responsibility of love, he is free. No. I disagree because love never ceases. Love must continue to be our motivating factor to act. Love will go on eternity for God is love. 1 John 4:8, â€Å"God is love! God is eternal; therefore love is eternal as well. Paul writes, in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, â€Å"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal†¦ v. 13 â€Å" And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. We will never be free because we have the debt with our fellowmen and that is the debt to love them regardless of the race, status, physical attributes, etc.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Plato Republic Discussion Question

In platos republic, book VI, platos tells the story of Allegory of the cave. This story tells of what plato believes true education is. First plato tells what education is not. â€Å"Education isn’t what some people declare it to be, namly, putting knowledge into souls that lack it, like putting sight into blind eyes†(518b) then plato describes what he thinks education is. â€Å"Then education is the craft concerned with doing this very thing, this turning around, and with how the soul can most easily and effectively be made to do it.It isn’t the craft of putting sight into the soul. Education takes for granted that sight is there but that it isn’t turned the right way or looking where it ought to look, and it tries to redirect it appropriately. † (518d)I believe in the story, the effect on one who goes into education is that he possesses the spiritual enlightenment of the form of the good. Education is up to man himself and can only learn to a cert ain limit. In the sensible realm, the lowest on the list is the shadows, imagers, and reflections.In the story the prisoners can only see the shadows and nothing else. This effects their soul because they are only limited to that and the soul has nothing to grow upon. Education is like the metaphor of the sun, being able to see clearly and in reality. I think platos view of education is sensible to me. I understand how plato is explaining how the shadows and darkness is like being limited and unless you find the light you will not be successful. Once you find the light it will help you to get away from the shadows and be able to â€Å"see† more clearly.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex Essay - 2638 Words

Significance of the Women in Oedipus Rex Michael J. O’Brien in the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Oedipus Rex, maintains that there is â€Å"a good deal of evidence to support this view† that the fifth century playwright was the â€Å"educator of his people† and a â€Å"teacher†. Sophocles in his tragedy, Oedipus Rex, teaches about â€Å"morally desirable attitudes and behavior,† (4) and uses three women to help convey these principles of living. This essay will explore the role of women in the drama, the attitude toward women therein, the involvement of women in plot development, and other aspects of women in Oedipus Rex. At the outset of Oedipus Rex no female characters are present; the reader sees a king†¦show more content†¦Not for some far-off kinsman, but myself, Shall I expel this poison in the blood; For whoso slew that king might have a mind To strike me too with his assassin hand. Oedipus, in his public proclamation regarding punishment for the killer of King Laius, shows more lenient treatment toward the guilty party if he confesses his crime: â€Å"I summon him to make clean shrift to me./And if he shrinks, let him reflect that thus /Confessing he shall scape the capital charge†. Oedipus, in his cross-examination of the holy man Teiresias, shows his mastery to be more human and less godlike: â€Å"Monster! thy silence would incense a flint. /Will nothing loose thy tongue? Can nothing melt thee, /Or shake thy dogged taciturnity?† The king is confronted with Teiresias’ accusation, â€Å"Thou art the man, /Thou the accursed polluter of this land,† and then another even more condemning accusation, â€Å"I say thou livest with thy nearest kin /In infamy, unwitting in thy shame.† But Creon’s mastery of the situation prevents his even glimpsing the truth; rather he suspects treachery, and thus accuses his brother-in-law, w ho appears in order to defend himself: â€Å"Friends, countrymen, I learn King Oedipus/ Hath laid against me a most grievous charge, /And come to you protesting.† TemperamentallyShow MoreRelatedComparing The Tragedy Of Sophocles And Henrik Ibsen1147 Words   |  5 Pageschained to what society told them to do. Oedipus Rex was a tragedy written by Sophocles around 429 BC. His tragedy portrayed Oedipus, a king who was strong, powerful and almighty just as a king should be - in common stories. 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